Designated Contractor Representative (DER) Trai...
The DER is an important component of a Drug and Alcohol testing program who will be handling many aspects of the program including record keeping, arranging for reasonable suspicion testing, and...
Designated Contractor Representative (DER) Trai...
The DER is an important component of a Drug and Alcohol testing program who will be handling many aspects of the program including record keeping, arranging for reasonable suspicion testing, and...
Global drug and alcohol testing services for ba...
Drug and Alcohol testing are mandatory to increase your organization’s accountability and reduce the risk of accidents. They are the cornerstone to maintaining a drug-free environment. And we can help...
Global drug and alcohol testing services for ba...
Drug and Alcohol testing are mandatory to increase your organization’s accountability and reduce the risk of accidents. They are the cornerstone to maintaining a drug-free environment. And we can help...
Drug and Alcohol Testing for the Aviation Industry
We offer a worldwide Drug and Alcohol Testing Service for the Aviation Industry. We are trained to meet the CASA requirements for Australian Standards Drug and Alcohol Testing. It is...
Drug and Alcohol Testing for the Aviation Industry
We offer a worldwide Drug and Alcohol Testing Service for the Aviation Industry. We are trained to meet the CASA requirements for Australian Standards Drug and Alcohol Testing. It is...
Individual Drug Testing
Drug testing has been requested by individuals for various reasons: Court-ordered drug testing Child custody cases Wills and probate disputes Divorce Proceedings Legal Issues such as driving offences, drug-related offences Employment Tribunal proceedings Monitoring the...
Individual Drug Testing
Drug testing has been requested by individuals for various reasons: Court-ordered drug testing Child custody cases Wills and probate disputes Divorce Proceedings Legal Issues such as driving offences, drug-related offences Employment Tribunal proceedings Monitoring the...
Drug and Alcohol Testing for Ship Crews
As specialists in alcohol and drug testing, we have established ourselves as a trusted supplier of high-quality products and services tailored for the maritime industry. We are adept at conducting...
Drug and Alcohol Testing for Ship Crews
As specialists in alcohol and drug testing, we have established ourselves as a trusted supplier of high-quality products and services tailored for the maritime industry. We are adept at conducting...
Emergency Drug and Alcohol Testing Service
We provide Emergency Drug & Alcohol Testing Service for: Individual Random Testing Individual Reasonable Suspicion Testing Post Incident Testing Group Random Testing Group Suspicious-Based Testing Organizations under DOT regulations are...
Emergency Drug and Alcohol Testing Service
We provide Emergency Drug & Alcohol Testing Service for: Individual Random Testing Individual Reasonable Suspicion Testing Post Incident Testing Group Random Testing Group Suspicious-Based Testing Organizations under DOT regulations are...